Produkty dla magazyn robocze (5)

Kemalpasa Ornekkoy Budowa Magazynu ze Stali

Kemalpasa Ornekkoy Budowa Magazynu ze Stali

Kemalpasa Ornekkoy Steel Construction Warehouse Construction Work
Systemy regałów magazynowych

Systemy regałów magazynowych

RACK CLAD BUILDING SYSTEMS Rack Clad Building Systems eliminates the roof and exterior siding needs of the warehouse and allows you to install a racking system. It eliminates roof and exterior siding needs and allows you to have a construction free racking system. Building construction is not necessa in advance with Rack Clad Building System. Rack Clad Building Systems does not require construction investment, providing a cost advantage from 18% to 30%. Since the use of columns and beams eliminated with the Rack Clad Building Systems, more space gained. Since the Rack Clad Building Systems are in demounted structure, it can easily be mobilized to another place and assembled. Corridor distances in building-free racking systems can be altered depending on type of loading equipment used. In the Rack Clad Building Systems, concrete is applied on the land/ shelves are xed on it, then exterior su ace is constructed by the facade covering (sandwich panel).


Your work is easy and fast with a team that knows the legislation in the warehouse Sertrans offers warehouse services, which are one of the services that complement the end-to-end supply chain, under the same roof as free warehouses. With its two warehouses affiliated to Erenköy and Muratbey Customs and its expert and experienced team, it provides fast and error-free service in value added warehouse services such as customs clearance, handling and labeling. Thanks to the Authorized Liability Certificate (AEO) issued by the Ministry of Customs and Trade, it accelerates its transactions by allowing exporters to save time. Warehouse Service under Erenköy and Muratbey Customs Warehouse services are provided at Sertrans Hadımköy and Samandıra facilities under Erenköy and Muratbey Customs. From Sertrans Hadımköy facility; To Ambarlı Port 20 km To Istanbul Airport 30 km To Muratbey Customs 20 km To Catalca Customs 20 km From Sertrans Samandıra facilities
Struktury Metalowe - Magazyny i Depozyty oraz Stalowe Struktury Przemysłowe

Struktury Metalowe - Magazyny i Depozyty oraz Stalowe Struktury Przemysłowe

Etude, conception et montage d’hangars et dépôts et structures industrielles en acier en fonction du projet du client. Fourniture de la charpente métallique et du bardage (en tôle acier ou panneau sandwich), chéneaux à boulonné.
Systemy Wentylacji Malarni - (Produkcja, Montaż i Utrzymanie)

Systemy Wentylacji Malarni - (Produkcja, Montaż i Utrzymanie)

Boyahane havalandırma sistemleri, kimyasal maddeler ve kimyasal katkılı boyaların insan sağlığına zarar vermeden ortamdan uzaklaştırılması için en etkin yöntemlerden biridir. Boyahanede çalışanlar her ne kadar koruyucu maske kullansalar bile yoğun boya kokusu insanların sağlığını rahatça bozabilmektedir maalesef. Bundan dolayı boyahanelerde ilk yapılacak iş havalandırma sistemleri montajı yaptırmaktır. Hatta klima veya pervane gibi boyahanelerde pek işe yaramayacak çözümler düşünüldüğünde boyahaneler (ve imalathaneler, atölyeler gibi) için tek çözüm havalandırma sistemleridir.